Holistic Physical Therapy
Your first appointment involves a detailed assessment of your current and past health. Your therapist gets to know you, gaining an understanding of your overall health as well as your goals during this one-on-one consultation.
Your therapist then takes you through a series of movements to check your flexibility, balance, pain level, and function. They will also discuss your diet, levels of stress and the regularity of your bowel and bladder. From that information, they develop your personalized treatment plan.
During your therapy session, your provider has you perform specialized stretches and exercises to build your strength. They may also use various manual therapy techniques, and other complementary therapies to boost your recovery.
Before you leave, your therapist provides detailed instructions for at-home exercise to perform between appointments. They may also offer assistive devices to help restore function in the affected area.
Most adults require multiple sessions per week over the course of several weeks for optimal results. Your therapist discusses the goals and standards of treatment with you during your consultation so you know what to expect.