Dry cupping and MFD (myofascial decompression) use negative pressure forces on suction cups to create lifting of the tissues. This creates space within the tissue layers for improved gliding and mobility.
We have many layers of tissue, including skin, fascia, muscle, etc., that should move fluidly but due to injury, inflammation, and simply over time the tissues can become thickened and less mobile.
Unlike other forms of manual therapy (massage, myofascial release, IASTM, joint mobilizations) that are compressive in nature, cupping and MFD are decompressive. Decompression helps release tight tissues, improve trigger points, improve blood flow and nutrient exchange and create a change to the neuromuscular system which allows for pain relief.
At Back To Center PT, cups are placed based on muscular anatomy. After the placement of the cups, the therapist will take you through active movements followed with neuromuscular re-education to improve movement patterns and make lasting changes.
What conditions can you use cupping for?
Orthopedic conditions
Sports medicine
Scar adhesions
Post surgical recovery
Muscle and movement imbalances
Postural issues
Trigger points
If you’d like to try cupping, set up a session by calling Back To Center PT today or using the online booking feature.